Uncategorized Lucky number 7 This weekend I got my 7th tattoo. It was a sorta last-minute thing. We had…rubbersquareDecember 6, 2010
Uncategorized Diversity Champion As part of my new corporate life, I was required to attend a two-day Diversity…rubbersquareNovember 17, 2010
Uncategorized Prom Night Apparently I wasn't a Jamie Lee Curtis Fan Boy. Despite my horror geekiness spawned in…rubbersquareOctober 25, 2010
Uncategorized what’s your favorite horror film… Or horror film moment, or most terrifying moment? When, while watching a horror film did…rubbersquareOctober 25, 2010
Uncategorized Wicked Little Things Not a bad film. Definitely nice looking. But I can't stand Scout Taylor-Compton. Had a…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2010
Uncategorized budgets After Paranormal Activity (which had a budget of about $11,000) raked in over $100 million,…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2010
Uncategorized Friday the 13th Part II I wanted to stick with films I hadn't seen before, but Netflix is skimpy on…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2010
Uncategorized Nine Dead I should be nice, after all this had some promise. Had there not been a…rubbersquareOctober 12, 2010
Uncategorized Witchboard I can still remember seeing this in the theatre and it makes me kinda sad…rubbersquareOctober 10, 2010