With the new hosting plan which allows unmetered traffic (finally) comes some new additions. The trailer is finally on the website, nice and big and clean. Recommended for faster connections,…
Upgraded the hosting plan to allow for more traffic. Should be up tomorrow.
Very rough. But maybe good? Screened it for my wife and it was difficult for her to be objective since she was there for the filming and laughed at some…
Ok. Finally. Back to editing. Got the first 2+ minutes copied from lo-def to hi-def this morning. Cutting together nicely. I’m amazed at how un-digital it actually looks. Not as…
Editing has been delayed until I can get the newest version of Final Cut. I only have 5.0. Damn. The trailer has been delayed until I can get a license…
Yesterday marked our third and final day of filming. Despite a couple of digital effects shots that eatdrink and myself are doing, the film is in the can (or on…
Just a few days before Christmas, “The Bet” has wrapped and moves into post production, aiming for release at the 2007 CineVegas film festival.
Our final set, the hallway between Henry’s and James’ rooms, is up. Last night we cleared the room – we had to set up in one of the classrooms, rather…