Well, it wasn’t afilm, but rather the filmmakers’ luncheon at Roys. Food was great. But I couldn’t help feeling like the red-headed stepchild at a family reunion. The other filmmakers…
Well, I’m finally in! IMDB has finally given me my own PAGE. Weird how really very exciting this is for me. I don’t know why. It’s like proof I made…
From The Horror Explorer: Michael Dunn makes his directorial debut with the short film “The Bet.” The story is based around two men and an unfortunate young woman for whom…
I missed it, but the Las Vegas radio station Area 108 was talking about CineVegas this morning and plugged “The Bet.” Something about “the film with all the buzz.” Pretty…
Okay. Trailers are always better than the film. I know that. I just hope the film gets half as good of a review as the trailer has. The folks over…
If you have never heard of Gizoogle, you gotta go there. It’ll “transizlate” it for you. Click here to see my blog transizlated. A sample: “Indie horror is a special…
While the trailer has been pretty popular, garnering (as it should) quite a bit of talk and interest, it got it’s first “official” response on the website horror-movies.ca: “Indie horror…
Well, after some “issues,” an HD version of “The Bet” was dropped off at CineVegas. Quite unceremonial (not that I expected a procession of ushers to guide me in under…