I keep checking on IMDb to see if they’ve added the crapload of credits I sent to them, and little by little they’ve been trickling in. Today when I checked,…
I’ll blame him for the slowdown on getting the script for Detox written. I gotta blame someone. Ever since I saw the trailer for 1-18-08, I’ve been sucked into what…
Pulp Movies has linked to the trailer on their website (and their MySpace). They requested a screener to review. Still waiting for some other reviews to come back. Hoping the…
Getting close to finishing Detox. Was hoping to be done this weekend, but life got in the way. Wrote a pretty dramatic scene where I wasn’t sure if it was…
Yesterday at lunch we got on the subject of movies and Angel Heart was mentioned. Mat Planet and I dreamily recalled the various Lisa Bonet scenes before he mentioned “the…
OK. maybe i am crazy. some people have the craziest pet peeves. i’m not here to judge. cos mine is just as crazy. i HATE – absolutely HATE – when…
i got 53 pages (that’s 53 minutes) written on the new script. some of it is actually quite fuckin’ good. about another 40 to go and we’ll pronounce it a…
I am on the fence with the whole remake thing. The Psycho remake sucked, but I’m all for a version of it that is closer in tone and the character…