Uncategorized October 9, 2010 Happy Birthday to Me Another one I've already seen, but not for a really long time. I still think… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized October 7, 2010 Dreamscape Oh, Nostalgia, you flittering tease. This was one of my go-to films as a teen.… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized October 7, 2010 Terror Train LAME! I can't even describe how pissed off I was at this film - another… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized October 6, 2010 The Prowler This is a toughy. A slow start with the newsreel footage and endless reading of… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized October 4, 2010 Survival of the Dead Couldn't sleep. Decided to watch a horror film. Today's flick was Survival of the Dead,… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized October 4, 2010 Horror Movie a Day It's October - the month of my favorite holiday - and i decided to watch… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized August 8, 2010 Another IMDb update (now with links) Everyone is up (or less down) than last time. Included links to each page (opens… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized July 2, 2010 Feedback from Slamdance Script Competition PLEASE COMMENT!I submitted both the short version of "Beautiful" as well as Detox to the… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized July 1, 2010 David Peoples Can I get a w00tw00t for this guy. I just watched for the first time… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized June 30, 2010 IMDb updates Yes, I'm blogging this update because it's easy. Shut it.The Bet: up 4%Michael Dunn: up… rubbersquare Love0