Waffling back and forth on the next project. Should it be a clever, twisty psychological thriller? Or should it be a thrill-ride gorefest? I’m pretty much torn. I think the…
I’ve got (at least a temp version of) “Hallway” finished, the “Film Version” which starts with music that leads to the end credits which is where “Hallway” plays. Also different…
I just realised that it’s not a week until the CinVegas deadline. It’s TWO weeks. Man, you have no idea what a relief that is. Whew. Okay, breath.
Okay, so I’ve got two feature-lengths scripts a-working and a short one, too – all while trying to get “The Bet” finished up and submitted. Looks like it might be…
Sunday we’re recording music and Monday (hopefully) I’ll get to see the new edit. Starting to freak out a litte bit. Got a lot to get done and not much…
So, I sent a quick, rambling treatment/outline to Chris for the feature I mentioned a few days ago. He likes. I like. And it looks like we might go tandem…
Looks like we might be recording the song for the end credits, “The Dark Hallway,” at the end of this week. Justine Bellinsky is singing and playing violin for the…
Michael Dunn and Chris Smith, co-writers of “The Bet” have begun developing a feature-length script currently titled Detox. Details are being kept secret until the script is complete.
Back in June of last year, I started this blog with the same subject, leading to (finally) the creation of my first short film. So, not content with a single…
While waiting to get into finishing on “The Bet” (which is driving me a bit crazy, the waiting; I want to see the darn thing finished), I typed those two…