Taking cues from the first preview, more editing is being done. Somehow, trimming some stuff to tighten up various scenes (which dropped about 30 seconds from the running time), I’ve…
Screened the rough cut, version 3, to Matt, Chris and Kurt (and Chris’ wife, Alex) and was I was shocked how positive the comments were. I was expecting much harsher…
To facilitate the film festival submission process, I registered at withoutabox.com. In addition they allow filmmakers to create an Audience page with details about the film that anyone can view…
Director/editor Michael Dunn to screen the assembly edit for producer Matt Wilkinson, co-writer Chris Smith and director of photography Kurt Rauf.
With the new hosting plan which allows unmetered traffic (finally) comes some new additions. The trailer is finally on the website, nice and big and clean. Recommended for faster connections,…
Upgraded the hosting plan to allow for more traffic. Should be up tomorrow.
Very rough. But maybe good? Screened it for my wife and it was difficult for her to be objective since she was there for the filming and laughed at some…
Ok. Finally. Back to editing. Got the first 2+ minutes copied from lo-def to hi-def this morning. Cutting together nicely. I’m amazed at how un-digital it actually looks. Not as…