Uncategorized June 15, 2010 IMDb updates Full disclosure: My bookmark to IMDb goes to The Bet's page. Why? I like to… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized May 25, 2010 WINNER! "Hallway," the theme from "The Bet," performed by Justine Bellinsky and written by Rachel Bellinsky,… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized May 9, 2010 Detox screenplay complete After over 25 drafts back and forth between me and my co-writer, Chris Smith, Detox… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized May 6, 2010 Schmitty, McFunkle & Stump So, a bunch of guys I know and/or have worked with got this crazy shit… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized April 14, 2010 Another fest for “The Bet” A new screening (and look) for "The Bet." PollyGrind will premiere the "Midnight Movie" version… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized April 12, 2010 Rubbersquare Fan Page Is Live The Rubbersquare Fan Page on Facebook is live - facebook.com/rubbersquare.Become a fan. rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized April 6, 2010 Awesome, but disappointing How's that for a title?I got an email today from the Vice President of Acquisitions… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized April 4, 2010 Clash of the Titans (2010) vs Clash of the Titans (1981) I don't know how to review this. So, let's just have fun with it.for simplicity… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized March 21, 2010 Rubberblog moved At least, hopefully. Blogger will discontinue FTP publishing for blogs. Rubberblog (should) now be available… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized March 16, 2010 Quentin Tarantino has “Thought Disorder” Researching a character for a script, I came across a Wikipedia article on Thought Disorder… rubbersquare Love0