Uncategorized December 27, 2008 FAIL #1 The Movie Deal (which we would have passed on HAD we won) has announced their… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized December 22, 2008 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon I was playing around tonite, after my kid was worried that the "long-haired guy in… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized December 14, 2008 I miss writing It's been an amazingly long time since I've written a story (screenplays don't count). I… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 25, 2008 Show Me Your Indies IndieFlix, an On-Demand DVD site where you can buy a standard edition of "The Bet"… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 25, 2008 Forward on draft 11 With Kurt's notes - which Chris Smith just went through and agreed he and I… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 22, 2008 Sometimes technology is better than people Hello the man in the planet, We at BLOODY-DISGUSTING.COM would like to wish you a… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 15, 2008 First feedback on “Detox” Kurt Rauf gave feedback on the latest draft of Detox. Kurt was the DP on… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 15, 2008 First feedback Kurt Rauf gave feedback on the latest draft of Detox. Kurt was the DP on… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 9, 2008 Horror I just blogged about the first script pitch for Detox over at the Detox blog… rubbersquare Love0
Uncategorized November 9, 2008 First pitch. On Friday, I came across a post from the Director of Development of a production… rubbersquare Love0