Currently eyeing a late November release on DVD. Who knows what the next couple of months will bring, but, barring some sort of crazy distribution deal of some miraculous sort,…
Horror Reviews posted a short, but sweet, review of “the Bet.” This short film directed by Michael Dunn is dark in every way. The atmosphere is the perfect setting for…
Much like “The Big Lebowski – Fucking Short Version” on YouTube, where they kept only the F-bombs and edited out everything else, I went through Poltergeist and got rid of…
Abandomoviez has a page up for “The Bet.” Nothing more than an information page (trailer, credits, etc), but it’s still pretty cool to see the “sinopsis” in Spanish. And, fueling…
I keep checking on IMDb to see if they’ve added the crapload of credits I sent to them, and little by little they’ve been trickling in. Today when I checked,…
I’ll blame him for the slowdown on getting the script for Detox written. I gotta blame someone. Ever since I saw the trailer for 1-18-08, I’ve been sucked into what…
Pulp Movies has linked to the trailer on their website (and their MySpace). They requested a screener to review. Still waiting for some other reviews to come back. Hoping the…