I gotta find the full size version of this. I love this drawing of William S Burroughs (based on a photo I found in a magazine). I used to have…
Bet you didn’t know I’m actually an art director for an advertising agency. Yep, the 9-5 is spent making people like what they don’t (nee advertising). See what I’ve done…
My office spouse, Shannon answered these on her blog. And now I will: 1. Is your second toe longer than your first?WTF?! no. 2. Do you have a favorite type…
Rubberblog is undergoing a slight facelift. My current obsession with QR codes is apparent in the updated header. I’ll probably make a few other slight changes which shouldn’t interrupt your…
This is the original short story as published in the October 2005 issue of Thirteen. The story was based on a recurring nightmare my wife has when she was a…
Revolt of teh interwebs5 More pages on DetoxLoving Van GoghYes, I added another 5 pages to Detox. Since teh interwebs were not working at the house yesterday (despite 45 minutes…
Even with the retro-aging scheme I cooked up last year, I’m still way older than I want to be. Not that numbers really bug me, really, they don’t, but they…
Technology is sometimes one of those things that improves life. Like heart transplants or that kind of thing. But it can also be something that makes life more difficult. Like…
And the film that could/should/will come of it. I’ve got a playlist with what could be (with different musicians) a rather interesting soundtrack album. I’ve begun compiling visual references that…