Well, not too long ago, lyrics from Poe’s “Walk the Walk” refused to leave my head: Watched his dream walk across a silver screenAnd he was standing there when the…
No, not really. But I wish I lived there. The two times I visited it was, well, something. And to top it off, this is something awesome. The Museum of…
Googlebating, I found this: 당신은 절대로 이길수 없다는 문구의 카피가 아주 새로운 뉴인디펜던츠 호러필름이다.어느 어두운 집.두명의 남자는 어리고 예쁘게 생긴 여자를 납치해오고납치된 여자를 걸고 죽음의 내기를 벌인다,정해진 시각.그리고 정해진 폐쇄공간에서벌어지는…
Okay, probably not, but it was pretty disappointing to be “Michael Dunn (XII)” on IMDb. Moreso that the “famous” Michael Dunn was a dwarf actor. There’s just nothing about the…
Movies Online has at least four different pages about “The Bet” for various things like a sorta review, info page, director page and poster page. Here’s what they have to…
Well, it wasn’t afilm, but rather the filmmakers’ luncheon at Roys. Food was great. But I couldn’t help feeling like the red-headed stepchild at a family reunion. The other filmmakers…
Well, I’m finally in! IMDB has finally given me my own PAGE. Weird how really very exciting this is for me. I don’t know why. It’s like proof I made…
From The Horror Explorer: Michael Dunn makes his directorial debut with the short film “The Bet.” The story is based around two men and an unfortunate young woman for whom…
I missed it, but the Las Vegas radio station Area 108 was talking about CineVegas this morning and plugged “The Bet.” Something about “the film with all the buzz.” Pretty…