FilmOctoberween 🎃 The House that Jack Built ★★★½ I was nervous to watch this, not unlike how I felt before watching Hostel. I…rubbersquareOctober 21, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Tales from the Darkside ★★★ This was a rewatch but from quite a while ago. I actually caught the last…rubbersquareOctober 20, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Sweet Sixteen ★½ Should've been a straight up slasher or even a whodunit like Happy Birthday to Me.…rubbersquareOctober 20, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Hell Fest ★★½ A serviceable film. Nothing wrong here. Nothing great, either. I was gonna go see this…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Don’t Sleep ½ I should have. After about 3 hours of this only 60 minutes had passed. That's…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Tales of Halloween ★★★ THIS bad boy, unlike Halloween II, did rekindle the October flame — a bit. I…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Halloween II ★★ I was partly looking forward to and partly dreading rewatching this. I remembered it as…rubbersquareOctober 19, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 One Dark Night ★★½ Another early-’80s film that slipped through the cracks. I might have seen this before, simply…rubbersquareOctober 18, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Creepshow (S1E4) ★★/★½ Slowly, slowly creeping downhill. The stories are starting to feel like they had a Friday…rubbersquareOctober 17, 2019