FilmOctoberween 🎃 The Furies ★★★½ Great concept and acting. Just was a bit one note, and the ending was... eh.rubbersquareOctober 5, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Body Bags ★★★ Although I saw this one more recently than Bloody Birthday, I remember less about this.…rubbersquareOctober 5, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Bloody Birthday ★★ I saw this at some point back in the day, but couldn't remember anything about…rubbersquareOctober 5, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Tigers Are not Afraid ★★★½ Not sure why I didn't love this. Decent slow burn fantasy/horror set in a gritty…rubbersquareOctober 5, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Creepshow (S1E2) ★★★½/★★½ Uh-oh, the stars are a-slipping. Despite the use of the gobos and colored lighting (FINALLY!)…rubbersquareOctober 4, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 The Quiet Room ★★★ This short film, directed by Sam Winemann, is well made — if kinda bland. A…rubbersquareOctober 3, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Belzebuth ★★★ I don't mind films with subtitles, but when the listing says "English," I don't expect…rubbersquareOctober 3, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 AHS: 1984 (pending) You're not gonna be my agent much longer if I don't get a real gig!…rubbersquareOctober 2, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Slumber Party Massacre II ★★ Ugh. At least it's more fun than the original. It tried to infuse then-innovative dream…rubbersquareOctober 2, 2019