FilmOctoberween 🎃 Something Wicked This Way Comes ★★★★ A rewatch. After Hell Fest and Haunt, I had a bug for carnivals and such.…rubbersquareOctober 25, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 The Initiation ★★½ Kept my attention, but now I'm struggling to remember anything other than Daphne Zuniga was…rubbersquareOctober 25, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Monster Squad ★★★½ This was a rewatch, but I'll be damned if I remembered anything about it. I'll…rubbersquareOctober 25, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Eden Lake ★★★★ How unexpected to avoid a film only to have it be pretty damn good. So…rubbersquareOctober 25, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Creepshow S1E5 ★★★/★½ Night of the Paw ★★★ Maybe I'm being too hard on this show. But it…rubbersquareOctober 24, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Haunt ★★★½ I didn't realize Halloween haunts were such prime fodder or horror films. Obviously, Hell Fest…rubbersquareOctober 24, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Blood Rage ★★ A fairly stock slasher (the name on the film is even SLASHER). But it got…rubbersquareOctober 23, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Trilogy of Terror ★★★ One of the dangers of binging is that I tend to forget some of the…rubbersquareOctober 22, 2019
FilmOctoberween 🎃 Bay of Blood ★★½ I hoped I was going to like this a lot more, especially with how much…rubbersquareOctober 22, 2019