Offered the role of “The Girl” to an actress we met with last week. She was extremely smart and totally professional (and prepared – did her research and everything). She really liked the story and the script, so hopefully she accepts the role.
Still looking for someone to play James. What I thought would be the easiest role to cast has turned out to be the most difficult. Isn’t that just the way it goes? Been exploring both options of James: as the stocky, thuggish, brute and as originally envisioned as the younger, unstable, good-looking guy with an edge.
Met with Kurt last week as well and made a plan to get the sets done. He’ll be building frames which I’ll then skin (a new word I learned). The plan is to build 4-foot x 8-foot flats and assemble them at the school the day before shooting. I hope it goes well. Drew up rough sketches of the locations which can be seen here:
James’ Room
Henry’s Room
The Hallway
The kicker is actually getting them to look real and lived in and abused. Not to mention finding the various items like the furniture. Put out a request to family and friends for analog wall clocks with second hands. Already got three.
Have been going through the script, making notes and comments to make sure I keep clear what the actors should be doing. Going to be a challenge to keep a consistent direction with a week between each shoot day. But I’m sure it will all work out.
Finally, updated the website with some new downloads featuring the death of Donnie and Maree. Came out pretty good, though you’d never have a clue what the film was about looking at them – which isn’t necessarily bad. But they’re too cool to not have their own character poster and wallpaper.