I know at least 2 people read my insane ramblings here.
that doesn’t bother me.
i have been doing everything i can to learn about filmmaking. reading blogs, watching commentaries, listening to podcasts, reading about the rule of thirds, discussing marketing, about every imaginable way i can even attemt to begin to get a clue about how to make awesome film i have been trying, begging, pleading, learning, researching… i want to know.
and i am getting there.
but powerfully. i am not an idiot. i am not a fool. i know what i like and i know that if i stick to what i like, even if others hate it, some will love it – i know that what i do will be appreciated by a small subset, and the smaller the subset the more powerful, i just pray the more vocal – i know the films i am making: this bizarre genre-bending world somewhere betweeen horror and thriller and drama that accepts comedy that isn’t defensibly dark but would be called such – or relevant my films (though i neve expect to be relevant) – the more popular i will become.
i’d so much rather be the weirdo who steps up while kathy griffin is doing an acadamey awards red carpet arrival breakdown for E! and jumping up and commenting with her on whom people are wearing (which is sick in the fact that they are NOT ACTUALLY WEARING CALVIN KLEIN’S FLESH) and bitch like the fag i’m not, but the artist i am) than i would be the moron who checks the sales of his DVD every morning in hopes he could convince or impress those that went into the venture with him or who are perpetually surprised when they get a royalty check on “The Bet” DVD sales.