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Attempting to create a way of making it easier to get updates on all the stuff that I am working on, whether it’s a new review of “The Bet” or an update on Detox, or something else that happens to be in the works. Not that anyone reads these blogs… but I can pretend.

What I’ve got now is a feed into the new Detox blog (set to launch next month), and not much else. I am doing the best I can in the few days I have between work and side projects (and film stuff, of course), but got Feedburner going for rubberblog and tried to get the Detox feed updated on its Facebook page. I’ve got the rubberblog feeding to “The Bet” Facebook page. Just crazy how disjointed everything is:

Personal MySpace page
“The Bet” Myspace page
“The Bet” Soundtrack MySpace page
Detox MySpace page
Personal Facebook page
Rubbersquare Fan Club on Facebook
“The Bet” Facebook page
Detox Facebook page
Detox movie blog
Rubbersquare forum
Rubbersquare site
“The Bet” official website
Detox official website

Not to mention the built-in aspects at IMDb, Amazon, Film Baby, and soon IndieFlix for “The Bet” – and the RSS feeds from the blogs…


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