I get in these moods… I mentioned before my obsession with anamorphic lenses… well, yes, I am obsessing over it, so much so I have been learning about different kinds of anamorphic lenses and when is best to use them and all that.
Then there’s my newfound eBay obsession. Yes, I did buy the Alien novelization (and 3 unopened Topps trading cards from Alien) – can’t wait for the mail to come.
Then got all geeky on Kubricks (and how I’d kill for the 6-piece Star Wars bounty hunter set!!!) – though I did place a bid on a Saw Kubrick. I really gotta stop the eBay thing before my wife kills me.
This led to a previous obsession with Tokyoplastic – which brought two vinyl figures into my office after being enthralled by their animations (“Drum Machine” was… orgasmic). Love ’em. And then wandering (as I tend to do on the interwebs) to vinyl figures in general at My Plastic Heart. This led to We Make Stuff (and a new interest – Wilfrid Wood) and finally to The Submarine Channel which is all about the “Forget the film. Watch the titles.”
And how could I leave out Twitch‘s ultra-awesome DVD thread with interesting and awesome packing (and having designed some decent pieces myself, including a gel pack invitation which took 11 vendors in 3 countries to produce and won some awards – ahem, I appreciate a good package – ahem).
There’s also The Explosive Generation, a short-lived but fertile exploration of some awesome movie posters.
Just all around geeking out on film and design and the juxtaposition of the two. And the byproducts. Fuck, I can’t wait to see a Kubrick of The Watchman from Detox. Can’t wait to license a poster-size puzzle for “The Bet.” Will put up on eBay myself a signed script of anything. Hell, I’m a geek and I love it. I gotta get money for those Kubricks somehow.