Absolutely loving the distressed “grindhouse-edness” of the “super 8” version of “the bet” – how many quotes do i need? but thought the “16mm version” didn’t need quite as much scratches/dust/grain/weirdness. so i just made it look fairly realistic. BUT i can’t decide which is the easily found (ergo on the menu) version and which is the easter egg. man it looks SO cool, the super 8, grindhouse-y version. Or do I just list them both and only have one easter egg (muwaHAHA, you thought this was the only one!!!).
I’m sure you’ve seen what the film looks like, if only in the trailer, so it should be pretty easy to get an idea of how different (aside from the b&w and ratio change) this looks from the actual film.
Check out a short sampling HERE and PLEEAASSEE!!! tell me what you think.
if you want to get a question answered by the filmmakers to be included on the DVD, EMAIL!!! it to thebet